Loison Pandoro Classico

Item #: 411

Crafted to be enjoyed every day, the products of this line offer a simple way to sweeten your time at home. The high-quality ingredients are guaranteed by Loison and the subtle graphic design on the top of the box reflects the flavor variety of the product contained inside. The natural rising process and the production cycle - which takes up to 72 hours - always yield products of high standards, whose flavor bespeaks of no others than Loison.

This cake-like classic holiday item makes the perfect gift, but is also great to set out for visiting friends and family. Cake-like bread crafted using classic techniques, and accented by intoxicating flavors. Perfect with coffee or tea, and instantly transports us to holiday tables of yore.

  • Brand: Loison
  • Country: Italy
  • Region: Veneto
  • Size: 6/1000 GR.